Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes

October 22, 2017

This week was busy with studying. We had to do a lot of catching up because we had a lot of lessons and lots of meetings! Also made it through my first transfer!! Wahooo. Many more to go. haha My companion only has 1 more! Sooo sad!

This week for English class we taught about the body. It was fun. We taught them a song to the tune of head shoulders knees and toes. They are so engaged in learning English. They love it.

This week we got one of our investigators to commit to a baptism date! We are so excited for her. She is really good and really interested in the gospel thanks to her fiance! Which is great!

This week I have been studying a lot about two missionaries in the Book of Mormon. It's is cool we have such great examples in the Book of Mormon to be great missionaries and have a great desire to serve God.

Last P-day we made traditional Vietnamese food! It was great. It was like wrapping spring rolls. haha

Sorry not much to say, I love you all and hope you had an amazing week and continue to have amazing weeks! Love you all!


Chi My
Sister Nelson

Hope loves food!
Chi My and Chi Kim Thu

Cute member who is also named Mỹ
Have I told you how much I love this girl?

A note from another Hope letter: I also went to a coffee shop.... to study. I ordered a cold chocolate drink but they ordered me a coffee mocha thing. In the end I did drink a little coffee thinking the chocolate was bitter. haha. Don't worry, I repented. haha!

Note to Hope:  Mocha = Coffee + chocolate....OOPS!
40,000 Vietnamese Dong is about $1.76

Another fun fact I learned this week: Hope's Vietnamese name Mỹ means America. Americas (as in The Americas) in Vietnamese is Châu Mỹ. If you listen to this in Google Translate, it sounds very much like Hope's Chinese name, Xiao Meili. SO cool right? By the way, this is something Hope was told in the MTC and the message didn't get passed along.  https://translate.google.com/#en/vi/Americas


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